Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Finding Your Purpose – Beliefs

When you’re planning your perfect future what is it that stops you from ploughing forward?  Could it possibly be the voice in your head that pipes up with ‘Nah, don’t be silly, you’ve not got enough qualifications’ or ‘don’t be daft, leave that to the younger generation, you’ve had your time.’  Well I’m here to kick that blinking voice into touch and scream in your other ear.  And I’m only going to scream one word.... Poppycock. 
Those voices you are hearing are called self limiting beliefs, and by just giving them a name you’re turning that voice into a mere echo that’ll gradually fade. 
I’m going to tell you two things now about self limiting beliefs
1.       Self limiting beliefs are like fashions.  They get outdated so either send them off to your local charity shop or eBay them.  Either way get shot of them because like those sequin leggings they may have suited you once but not anymore.
2.       Self limiting beliefs are like those scums that send scam mail to vulnerable people.  If you feed them they will come back for more and compound.  Learn to recognise them and they will disappear. 
I’ll talk in more detail about self limiting beliefs and tips to get rid of them for good later on but for now I want to bring them to your attention because if you don’t even know they are there they will stop you from finding your purpose and they will stop you from achieving your full potential. 
Two more things you need to know about self limiting beliefs;
1.       You can choose to believe them and you can choose not to believe them
2.       You can change them. 
Sound tough?  It’s meant to, feed a limiting belief and it’ll end up like the proverbial oak tree, starve it and it’ll look like the cleanest, freshest, most unpolluted air you have ever seen in your life.  Which would you prefer?
(BTW, as promised, plug for Cavendish Films Finding Your Purpose DVD)


  1. Poppycock--hysterical!

    I'm having to stamp out all kinds of negative thoughts like you mentioned. Fortunately I'm not afraid of much though so I take lots of risks.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Great word isn't it? Packs a punch with no need for vulgarity. Well done you for taking risks, and the more you take the more you raise the bar for yourself.
