You can have all the big ideas and dreams in the world but unless you take action that’s all they’ll ever be. People can be hesitant when it comes to taking action to move themselves forward in either career or personal life, life as it is right now can suddenly appear really cozy, that’s your inner saboteur talking, I’ll introduce you to her properly later. Today I want to talk to you about getting the wheels of change in motion.
There’s a mnemonic I learnt not long ago and it’s a real sticker; POOR
People who are rich in knowledge, skills, experience, wealth, well being, love and joy take up opportunities as they present themselves, even better they go out into the world and create opportunities. This is simple to do, go out and meet people, build your network, start to do some research into the first steps you need to take to turn your ideas into reality, even doing the research is taking action and will help to build the internal desire needed to steer yourself towards the horizon.
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